How to move:

W = jumping button.

A = button to move left.

D = button to move right.

Space = to attack.


Defeat 20 enemies.

Link to sites:

Free Pixel Art Forest by edermunizz (

Skeleton Sprite Pack by Jesse Munguia (

Development log


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The game looks great I like the death animation for the enemies

Thanks for the feedback

this game is very cool including the animations

Thanks, we will make this game even better.

I really like the animation of the character, and the backgrounds, but I wish that the enemies would do something to the player and that player can have a special ability.

It will soon thanks for comment.

1. Very cool game! I like the way the character moves and the little effect you do when the enemy gets hit! Just wish he was a bit faster..
2. Why don't the enemies damage you? Also why does the shadow stay in the same spot even when you jump?

(1 edit)

It's a known bug. I will change it soon. Thanks for your comment.

Cool animations! Can only the player attack or does the enemies do attacks too? 

(1 edit)

Enemies cannot attack for now but in the future they will. Thanks for your comment.

I really like the character design, but a question I have is why does the tiles all look so similar.

I'll change that. Thanks for your comment.